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Laredo Side Impact Accidents Lawyer

Side impact collisions often result in devastating injuries for drivers and passengers, and recovering compensation can be challenging. At Nevárez Law Group, we are here to help if you need a Laredo side impact accidents lawyer by your side. Our team of experienced Laredo car accident attorneys has an extensive track record of success standing up to at-fault drivers throughout Texas, and we want to help you recover the compensation you need.

Why Choose Nevárez Law Group for Help?

  • At Nevárez Law Group, our injury lawyers in Laredo take pride in the service we provide every client. When you work with us, you will always have an attorney available to answer your questions as they arise.
  • We have a strong track record of success handling complex vehicle accident claims, including side-impact incidents that cause severe injuries.
  • We understand what it takes to stand up to the insurance carriers and other parties involved, and we are not afraid to take cases to trial.

Side-Impact Collision Liability

Determining liability in side impact collisions, often referred to as T-bone accidents, hinges on understanding which party failed to adhere to traffic laws or was negligent at the time of the crash. 

Commonly, the driver who strikes the side of another vehicle may be held responsible, especially if they ran a red light, failed to yield at an intersection, or were engaging in distracted driving. However, liability is not always straightforward. 

In some cases, both drivers might share responsibility if both were violating traffic rules. Additionally, other factors, such as malfunctioning traffic signals or poor road conditions, could implicate third parties like governmental entities responsible for road maintenance or signal operation. 

An experienced Laredo side impact accident lawyer can meticulously investigate the accident, gather evidence, and establish liability, ensuring that victims receive the compensation they deserve for their injuries and losses.

Compensation for a Laredo Side Impact Claim

Side impact accident victims may be able to receive a range of compensation types if their claim against an at-fault party is successful. At Nevárez Law Group, we regularly help clients recover economic and non-economic damages after these types of incidents occur.

  • Side impact economic damages. Economic damages related to these incidents revolve around expenses, which we can calculate by looking at receipts or bills you receive or will likely receive after the incident occurs. These types of damages can help provide compensation for a victim’s:
    • Emergency and ongoing medical expenses
    • Lost income and loss of future earnings
    • Property damage expenses
    • Out-of-pocket losses arising due to the incident
    • Coverage of medications, physical therapy, or medical devices
  • Side impact non-economic damages. Non-economic damages related to side impact collisions focus on less directly measurable losses victims may endure. These types of damages focus on compensation for a victim’s physical pain and suffering as well as any emotional and psychological distress they may experience as a result of the injuries.

Contact a Side Impact Accidents Lawyer in Laredo Today

If you or a loved one have been harmed in a side impact collision caused by the negligence of another driver in the Laredo area, reach out to Nevárez Law Group for help today. We have the resources you need to stand up to aggressive insurance carriers in an effort to recover the compensation you are entitled to. When you need a Laredo side impact accident lawyer, you can get in touch with us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling us at (830) 776-7003.